Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Every year for our birthdays we always get excited because we are supposed to get nice things from the ones we love. A nice romantic dinner, a night out on the town flowers what ever to make you feel extra special. Or there are some of us who celebrate it with friends and family. Every year without fail my children make a fuss days before my birthday even though they really can’t buy me anything but they like to make me breakfast or go out with me to breakfast (my treat of course lol) and then the whole cake thing. Every year like clock work the man who lives with me my husband conveniently forgets my birthday or looks for something to be angry at me so he can have a reason not to celebrate my birthday. What prick right? Do you know how it feels to see my coworkers or friends get cards with flowers followed by dinner and a gift? And anticipating that it will be different he will get it but nothing happens? I hate that like an asshole every year like clock work I know when its his birthday and I go the extra mile to get him a gift or do a party and invite his friends. So it’s the year 2009 I’m thinking hey 21 again he finally shows signs of having his head out his ass. Been working steady no complaining about how he got dealt a fucked up hand in life lately. One of his favorite let me be mad days will consist of how life sucks yada yada yada. Really because I’ve heard the stories from his cousins who at one time were close until they got married. He was a spoiled lil fuck who got his way because he was paid to keep his mouth shut by mom and dad who were running around like fools. Well any way I wake up Sept 5th is my day I’m expecting a “Happy Birthday Hon see you later got to go to work.” Nothing. He looks at me and gets dressed and doesn’t say a peep. Leaves out my door without saying shit. Ok maybe its too early but I had that gut feeling either he forgot or he was being a dick. I go to breakfast with my kids who all wish me Happy Birthday and I instructed them not to say anything to him. Don’t mention my birthday I wanted to see how long it would take him to say it or lets see if he brings me something after work. So my kids and I have a full day of haircuts and walking around shopping for school supplies. We come back home. I started to look at my cell no call. No missed call. Plenty of texts from sisters and friends. Nope nothing from him. I go out with my oldest daughter to cash her lil check. And we come back. Again I instructed her not to mention anything. I get back home again and sit on the couch to watch tv with the kids. He walks in with his friends and I say “Hi hon.” He says “hi” and keeps it moving to the basement to talk shit with his boys. Still no Happy Birthday. Ok Ok maybe he’s just gonna forget again. So I’m texting my Sis Janet and she is like “that son of a bitch still ain’t say Happy Birthday? What a dick!” So I text her yep nothing. Now while I’m texting he’s laying in the bed next to me and my younger daughter who is 11 is next to me and she is looking at me and she mouths to me nothing? Nope nothing. All of a sudden he goes “so you celebrating this month or next?” OHHH hell no so he does know he did remember and he didn’t say 2 simple words? I kept cool and didn’t say shit. Now why the question of next month? My parents who were too scared to tell me about my real mother never looked at my birth certificate and celebrated my birthday on Oct 5th. Imagine that since birth I was forgotten. Wow. So as my real mother surfaces and shit I get to see my real birth certificate. It was Sept 5th the whole time. Its sounds fucked up but it was an honest mistake. I at least got a Happy Birthday. The following day my friend Olga came to pick me and my sister-in-law up and we went to the casino. While me and Melika had lost all of our earnings. Olga winded up winning 340 bucks. So from the casino we went to the movies and to dinner. Thanks my other sista from another mama. I got home and he was asleep. Fuck him I had a good time and it sure as hell wasn’t because of him. He really had hurt my feelings. A Happy Birthday doesn’t cost anything. I understand that we had just paid rent but there is no excuse for him pulling that stunt. He wakes up to ask me “did you win anything?“ “Nope”. His response “broke ass bitch”. Wow right? All this happened over the weekend. Monday comes and I tell him “I’m mad at you. I can’t believe that you did what you did for my birthday. Absolutely nothing.” He was like “well if you didn’t treat me like shit I wouldn’t have done that to you. I got to act like an asshole and then you treat me nice.” “Bullshit! How can you say I treated you like shit we didn’t go to bed angry at each other we didn’t argue nothing. And I get this from you? I don’t deserve that and for you to make up shit in your head about a my behavior is even more bullshit. But Karma is a bitch and it will bite you.” I know what it was too he got mad because I wasn’t giving him no ass. Well guess what last longer than 3 min and then talk to me about sex. I hate to waste my time. Or it could be that he checked his emails at work and discovered that I had busted him signing up with Yeah his profile changed from married man looking for threesomes and just sex to gay and loving it up the ass. Lmao! Wow come to think about it I think that’s exactly what it was. But he knows he can’t bring it up because he got no wins on that one. Ahhh yes and Karma did come to bite him. He did some airbrush job and the lady was anal about the work he did. Nothing wrong but you know those people who want to just not pay so they look for excuses that its not really what they want? Yeah well he did a big job and it was a nice job but she acted like a bitch and said she wasn’t happy after she took the fucking truck he airbrushed and decided that nah I don’t like it. She actually took it home and called him the next day talk about um well no its not what I really want this is not right that is not right. Um yeah he lost money almost a G. Told him Karma was a bitch. I love that bitch!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Teenage mothers

So Today one of my lovely sisters said someone was poppin off at the mouth about teenage pregnancies and how I guess they don’t know how to take care of their kids? Not every one falls under that category so all You dee dee dee’s need to get schooled. Some people may not make the best choice and have babies when they have no business having babies. Like the ones that have one to make a fashion statement or just have one to tie a guy down or have one just to defy mom. I mean the list goes on and on. But there are those that do get pregnant and maybe it was not planned but I give it to those teenage moms and teenage dads who do their job even if it wasn’t the time to have a baby. I’ve seen girls have babies go to school and finish get a diploma get a college degree and some who just finish high school get a job and work to take care of them babies. We also have some who just go to work and take care of their children and if it means that they can’t go to school then they can’t. Every persons situation is different. Lets think about those who don’t have a good support system and have to go to work. They do it and they take good care of their kids. Its hard when you don’t have that support system. Now for those who do have a good support system they get to finish school mom and dad are there to help out. Great wonderful. But lets concentrate on young ladies who do take the initiative and do right. For example a girl who has a baby. The father walked away because he wasn’t ready and well its your problem. She goes to work she gets a place and no is there to help her out yet people who swear their life is squeaky clean just don’t understand why she opened her legs and she must be a horrible mother because she is young and don’t know what to do. Really you name me one female who knew what to do the minute she became a mother. Not even one who was old enough to have a kid. So we are taught to be who we are and it is up to us to take them lessons and show the world what we have learned. Some us work and work and have no time for going out and bullshiting like some of these girls who have their mom take care of their kids while they party and shit. No we don’t have the luxury we go to work and come home and take care of our kids and do what we have to. Having kids makes us grow up quick because some of us do have that common sense. We know our babies don’t have no one else but us. Our babies didn’t have a choice in being here. We made the conscious decision to bring them into this world. So it is our job to make sure that we only we are the ones to right by them. Also look at the picture maybe this girl is doing what she is supposed and if she is then great. All them people who look and stare and say omg look at that girl she’s just a baby. Remember don’t judge a book by its cover. Yes she may be young and maybe she is struggling but if she doing it then props to her. Its not easy being young and responsible. So my hats off to all the young mamas who are out there doing it. Really doing it. Bless all of you for being wonderful mothers.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


How many kids cut school do extra curriculum activities? Only the real “good students” don’t cut and even then you can see one or two that just need that break lol. When I was in Jr high school I never cut hell I’d be stupid. We lived two blocks away from the school and since we lived in the projects we lived right on the 18th fl. From our kitchen window you could see the school. The whole fuckin school. There was only one area where you couldn’t see but other than that shit no fuckin way was I going to be caught cutting. My friends always used to say “Come on Vic we’ll look out for you” talk about peer pressure. Lmao not me though I just chilled. Now when I got to high school very different story. It was like the butterfly left the cocoon and spread her wings. It was on and poppin. I didn’t just wake up one day and say well you know let me cut today. It started out innocently. Really I swear. We had a teacher for Global History what was his name…..oh yeah Mr. Leahman. Ugly ass old man. His rules were you were late for his class you got marked absent. I was late every day because my mother expected me to walk the dog. “Her dog” to be exact. And I had to make sure the garbage was out and that the kitchen was clean. If the dog had shitted I had to clean that shit up before I left. So I was late every day. Why bother going to class if I was going to be absent? Most of my friends started class second period any way and well I had company. Lol. So we went out for breakfast chilled and then for second period we would go to class. Funny thing is no one ever sent home a letter so I was safe from getting my ass whooped. There were times during the day when some of us didn’t want to go to a particular class so we would cut class right next to the principals office in a room that was meant for when you had a free period. So yeah lots of free periods there. One day I went home early because Aunt Flo came to visit and the bitch came with a mission to fuck me all up. My mother came to pick me up from school. I go and lay down on my bed and I hear the phone ring. My heart fell to the floor because I hear my mother say “She what?” I knew my cutting had finally caught up to me. So of course they call the school. She comes into the room and I was like “Well the teacher said if we were late he would mark us absent. So when I go to class I’m marked absent” My heart was beating a mile a minute. I was telling the truth but I was smart enough to go to class once a week. They called the school to verify my story the teacher confirms that those are his rules so I had to mandatory go to school on time. My mother was mad and made me get up half hour earlier just so I could do my chores. So I played myself. I stopped walking the dog and when she asked if I did I’d tell her I did. Wasn’t my dog why should I care. Any way I chilled for about a month and then it was a wrap I started again. I would cut a class here and there. So whats your cutting class stories? AND NO in no shape or form and I telling kids out there its ok but we all do it. Some didn’t but most did. Come on share your stories!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Gangsta Chronicles

I would first like to thank My loca Yahi for the name. I had asked for suggestions for my page but i didn't get any suggestions until today.
Now why the name Gangsta? lol my friends or rather my sisters from other mamas named me Gangsta cause I'll be ready to beat that ass you get in any of my sisters faces and of course mine. I'm always on stand by for that big fight. No i don't start trouble I'm not that type of a person but I know that when you come to hurt me or mine you about to encounter a bitch who is ready for anything. I'm not afraid of no one only of God. My weapon of choice lmao a bat! Hell I'm not afraid of using it if I had to.
I grew up in Manhattan you would have thought I grew up like in Spanish Harlem or the Bronx or Brooklyn. No it middle westside but our family was gangsta like that. No one fucked with our family and if you did best believe you got ur ass whooped. We lived in the projects but our projects werent as bad as the ones on 125 st or the eastside. For Projects they were pretty decent. Everyone knew each other and you had your older people and your youngins and everyone knew everyones mom. My mother shit look at her and she would have stared at you and just like that you would have turned your head or put your head down. She had that 'Idon'tgiveafuckhowbigyouareI'llfuckyouup' attitude. Everyone on the block respected her or feared her and she wasn't afraid to hit a man either and if she saw that man was bigger damn straight she had a bat. (thanks Mom). I remember one time we were in this lil project park just chillin which we did every afternoon, and there was no ball playing allowed. Well here come this asshole who didn't live in the projects but decided well its a park I'll take my kid and they were playing hard ball. Needless to say the ball hit my head and my mother spazzed out on the lady. She was a tall black woman looked like she was gonna fuck my mother up for real I got scared that my mother was gonna get beat up. Let me explain lmaoo my mother who was like 2 feet shorter punched her in her face so fuckin hard the lady stood stunned she was like "holy shit you hit like a man" damn right she did I know I have felt them punches. But thats a later story.. Needless to say all the guys who had crushes on me saw that and never spoke to me out of fear. Its not like they were scared of my dad nope they were scared of her. I mean there were those certain individuals who would still try to talk to me but hell if they tried in front of my mother. My brothers and sisters were no joke either. Everyone knew there were eight of us messed with one you got it from all sides cause even my uncle and cousins from the Bronx would come down and beat that ass. My blind uncle (legally blind) got busy too. lmaoo he reminded me of those chinese old men who are wise and kick butt in the chinese flicks yeah he was blind all right only until you crossed his ass and then it was on he would take his cane and beat the shit out of you and then laugh in your face. Gangsta I tell you all of them. My brothers always were in packs two or three together but shit mess with one of them and it was on. My sisters were feared cause of the guys. Everyone figured if the brothers are wild like that they must be worsec cause they women with PMS. We had beef with this family in our building for years. I mean every where that we would see each other fight. Went to the park and saw them fight. Went to the store to get milk and saw them fight. One day we were all in the house and we get a knock we look thru the lil peep hole to see who it was no one so we open the door garbage bag was left there. So we took it and put it in the incinerator and thought maybe some kids playing a prank, so again the knock on the door same thing this time we took the bag and put in the house. closed the door and one of my brothers hid in the stairwell near the apt to see who it was that was doing it. Well guess who our arch enemies. What was that for my sisters got their hair in a braid, vaseline, brass knuckles, the boys got their brass knuckles bats and my mother grabbed her thick ass chain the ones you keep your gate closed the real heavy ones? oh yeah gang war right in our building. All I know I was told to keep the door locked and ook thru the peephole to let my family back in. At the time was like 7. Shit my Dad the peacekeeper even grabbed a pipe and went to war. For real it was like watching Braveheart but at that time Braveheart wasn't even an idea so it was the project wars lmaoo shit. My mother comes to the door and knocks I was already there waiting for them to get back and she was covered in blood so I was scared that my mother was hurt and I went to get towels but it wasn't her blood. Who ever she whooped got it bad. After that the family who was fucking with us moved out and was never to be seen again. Damn straight don't fuck with the Martinez' lmaoo wow my family was real violent. So the motto was in my house you can't hit with your hands grab a bat or what ever and tear that ass up. lmaooo ahhhh ok some of you may not think is funny but if you grew up like I did you can relate thats why I get along with my locas "sisters from other mamas" so well we would all get busy if ya pushed us to the limit. I'll keep writing more about our adventures. Stay Tuned!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Welcome welcome!!! lol I finally got this blog thing goin yes!!! I'm here working from home and its boring because I'm not getting any calls from my customers. Now before you dirty minded ones get any ideas I work for an insurance company. so No none of that freak deaky stuff going on over the phone although Ive been told I have the voice for it. But no imagine me talking dirty to a 80 yr old man shit he would die with the shit I know. lmaoooo! So I started this blog to talk about anything and anything does go. Just no stupid shit or I kick ur ass out. Opinions are just that opinions and no one should take anything to the left titi. Invite ur friends and have those friends invite others lets make this blog the hottest blog ever!

With that being said who's feeling a bit Naughty??? as for myself when don't I feel naughty? what makes you naughty? come on now I expect some real good responses LETS GO!!!!