Thursday, August 27, 2009


How many kids cut school do extra curriculum activities? Only the real “good students” don’t cut and even then you can see one or two that just need that break lol. When I was in Jr high school I never cut hell I’d be stupid. We lived two blocks away from the school and since we lived in the projects we lived right on the 18th fl. From our kitchen window you could see the school. The whole fuckin school. There was only one area where you couldn’t see but other than that shit no fuckin way was I going to be caught cutting. My friends always used to say “Come on Vic we’ll look out for you” talk about peer pressure. Lmao not me though I just chilled. Now when I got to high school very different story. It was like the butterfly left the cocoon and spread her wings. It was on and poppin. I didn’t just wake up one day and say well you know let me cut today. It started out innocently. Really I swear. We had a teacher for Global History what was his name…..oh yeah Mr. Leahman. Ugly ass old man. His rules were you were late for his class you got marked absent. I was late every day because my mother expected me to walk the dog. “Her dog” to be exact. And I had to make sure the garbage was out and that the kitchen was clean. If the dog had shitted I had to clean that shit up before I left. So I was late every day. Why bother going to class if I was going to be absent? Most of my friends started class second period any way and well I had company. Lol. So we went out for breakfast chilled and then for second period we would go to class. Funny thing is no one ever sent home a letter so I was safe from getting my ass whooped. There were times during the day when some of us didn’t want to go to a particular class so we would cut class right next to the principals office in a room that was meant for when you had a free period. So yeah lots of free periods there. One day I went home early because Aunt Flo came to visit and the bitch came with a mission to fuck me all up. My mother came to pick me up from school. I go and lay down on my bed and I hear the phone ring. My heart fell to the floor because I hear my mother say “She what?” I knew my cutting had finally caught up to me. So of course they call the school. She comes into the room and I was like “Well the teacher said if we were late he would mark us absent. So when I go to class I’m marked absent” My heart was beating a mile a minute. I was telling the truth but I was smart enough to go to class once a week. They called the school to verify my story the teacher confirms that those are his rules so I had to mandatory go to school on time. My mother was mad and made me get up half hour earlier just so I could do my chores. So I played myself. I stopped walking the dog and when she asked if I did I’d tell her I did. Wasn’t my dog why should I care. Any way I chilled for about a month and then it was a wrap I started again. I would cut a class here and there. So whats your cutting class stories? AND NO in no shape or form and I telling kids out there its ok but we all do it. Some didn’t but most did. Come on share your stories!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Gangsta Chronicles

I would first like to thank My loca Yahi for the name. I had asked for suggestions for my page but i didn't get any suggestions until today.
Now why the name Gangsta? lol my friends or rather my sisters from other mamas named me Gangsta cause I'll be ready to beat that ass you get in any of my sisters faces and of course mine. I'm always on stand by for that big fight. No i don't start trouble I'm not that type of a person but I know that when you come to hurt me or mine you about to encounter a bitch who is ready for anything. I'm not afraid of no one only of God. My weapon of choice lmao a bat! Hell I'm not afraid of using it if I had to.
I grew up in Manhattan you would have thought I grew up like in Spanish Harlem or the Bronx or Brooklyn. No it middle westside but our family was gangsta like that. No one fucked with our family and if you did best believe you got ur ass whooped. We lived in the projects but our projects werent as bad as the ones on 125 st or the eastside. For Projects they were pretty decent. Everyone knew each other and you had your older people and your youngins and everyone knew everyones mom. My mother shit look at her and she would have stared at you and just like that you would have turned your head or put your head down. She had that 'Idon'tgiveafuckhowbigyouareI'llfuckyouup' attitude. Everyone on the block respected her or feared her and she wasn't afraid to hit a man either and if she saw that man was bigger damn straight she had a bat. (thanks Mom). I remember one time we were in this lil project park just chillin which we did every afternoon, and there was no ball playing allowed. Well here come this asshole who didn't live in the projects but decided well its a park I'll take my kid and they were playing hard ball. Needless to say the ball hit my head and my mother spazzed out on the lady. She was a tall black woman looked like she was gonna fuck my mother up for real I got scared that my mother was gonna get beat up. Let me explain lmaoo my mother who was like 2 feet shorter punched her in her face so fuckin hard the lady stood stunned she was like "holy shit you hit like a man" damn right she did I know I have felt them punches. But thats a later story.. Needless to say all the guys who had crushes on me saw that and never spoke to me out of fear. Its not like they were scared of my dad nope they were scared of her. I mean there were those certain individuals who would still try to talk to me but hell if they tried in front of my mother. My brothers and sisters were no joke either. Everyone knew there were eight of us messed with one you got it from all sides cause even my uncle and cousins from the Bronx would come down and beat that ass. My blind uncle (legally blind) got busy too. lmaoo he reminded me of those chinese old men who are wise and kick butt in the chinese flicks yeah he was blind all right only until you crossed his ass and then it was on he would take his cane and beat the shit out of you and then laugh in your face. Gangsta I tell you all of them. My brothers always were in packs two or three together but shit mess with one of them and it was on. My sisters were feared cause of the guys. Everyone figured if the brothers are wild like that they must be worsec cause they women with PMS. We had beef with this family in our building for years. I mean every where that we would see each other fight. Went to the park and saw them fight. Went to the store to get milk and saw them fight. One day we were all in the house and we get a knock we look thru the lil peep hole to see who it was no one so we open the door garbage bag was left there. So we took it and put it in the incinerator and thought maybe some kids playing a prank, so again the knock on the door same thing this time we took the bag and put in the house. closed the door and one of my brothers hid in the stairwell near the apt to see who it was that was doing it. Well guess who our arch enemies. What was that for my sisters got their hair in a braid, vaseline, brass knuckles, the boys got their brass knuckles bats and my mother grabbed her thick ass chain the ones you keep your gate closed the real heavy ones? oh yeah gang war right in our building. All I know I was told to keep the door locked and ook thru the peephole to let my family back in. At the time was like 7. Shit my Dad the peacekeeper even grabbed a pipe and went to war. For real it was like watching Braveheart but at that time Braveheart wasn't even an idea so it was the project wars lmaoo shit. My mother comes to the door and knocks I was already there waiting for them to get back and she was covered in blood so I was scared that my mother was hurt and I went to get towels but it wasn't her blood. Who ever she whooped got it bad. After that the family who was fucking with us moved out and was never to be seen again. Damn straight don't fuck with the Martinez' lmaoo wow my family was real violent. So the motto was in my house you can't hit with your hands grab a bat or what ever and tear that ass up. lmaooo ahhhh ok some of you may not think is funny but if you grew up like I did you can relate thats why I get along with my locas "sisters from other mamas" so well we would all get busy if ya pushed us to the limit. I'll keep writing more about our adventures. Stay Tuned!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Welcome welcome!!! lol I finally got this blog thing goin yes!!! I'm here working from home and its boring because I'm not getting any calls from my customers. Now before you dirty minded ones get any ideas I work for an insurance company. so No none of that freak deaky stuff going on over the phone although Ive been told I have the voice for it. But no imagine me talking dirty to a 80 yr old man shit he would die with the shit I know. lmaoooo! So I started this blog to talk about anything and anything does go. Just no stupid shit or I kick ur ass out. Opinions are just that opinions and no one should take anything to the left titi. Invite ur friends and have those friends invite others lets make this blog the hottest blog ever!

With that being said who's feeling a bit Naughty??? as for myself when don't I feel naughty? what makes you naughty? come on now I expect some real good responses LETS GO!!!!