Friday, February 26, 2010

2 week after Lap Band Surgery

So here we are at the end of week 2. Tough yes because its a full liquid diet although I did start week three a lil early because the full liquid diet is not enough my stomach hurts so bad when I'm hungry. I tell you eggs never tasted so good and chewing eggs is a big must. I never realized that if we took the time to chew the food we eat we would get full and be so content. Cream of chicken and carnation instant breakfast and jello. I started on eggs today and then I had mashed potatos for dinner. omg it tasted soooooo good. I will say this, they were not kidding when they said it would take dedication. I haven't weighed myself to see what my weight is. My first pre op visit to the doctor is March 9th. The aching of the cuts are gone but I still can't move the way I would I can still feel some pull on them and I can feel the portal sometimes pinch the skin on the inside but not enough for me to be in pain. I can now lay on my sides but I still have to lay down carefully as to not hurt myself. I did go out to go food shopping but I came back so achey. When I went to try to do normal house work I found that my back and my stomach area were achey as well so I know I need to take it easy. I can say that I am taking it easy I walk around my house to avoid bed sores but I do relax alot so that I can continue on my road to recovery and weight loss.

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