Monday, January 31, 2011

Is verbal and emotional abuse considered domestic violence?

So I was on Facebook the other day and I saw a friend put up a post about verbal abuse. Which gave me the idea for todays blog.
Many times we have arguements with our significant others and at times it gets out of hand. How far out of hand does it get before you realize you went overboard and said some hurtful shit to make your significant other cry? How far before its so bad that you made that other person scared of you?
Most people think that if you argue with someone and you say things in anger it was just that out of anger. How many times do you become so angry that the only way you feel better is to hurt that person by putting them down?
Whether its talking about the way they look, how fat they are, what they wear, the list goes on. This subject is something that alot of us won't talk about because we are ashamed of the situation we are in or were in. Some of us can say that we acknowledge our mistakes and our own abusive relationship. There are some who will never admit to being in an abusive relationship because we are afraid of how the world around us will react. It begins from the time that we were children and abused by a parent. Some of us grew up in homes where beating your children was ok. Talking to your children and putting them down was considered normal. Really...
Some grow up in a house where in which if u stepped the wrong way you got slapped when you got to old for the hitting well now lets hurt you with words was the thing to do. I for one had to deal with a parent who wasn't afraid to hit me but knew that the times were changing and hitting your child was becoming unacceptable because child services would be up your ass. The verbal abuse began, "You'll never amount to shit. You'll never get a man that will love you because you aren't worth anything, you will find a man that beats you and treats you like shit." . It was endless with her. I know right now you are saying well that child abuse well let me continue. As a child you believe that what your parent preaches is law and if you fear your parent as did I you would know that everything they said was going to come true because? Your parent said so. (I'm using this as an example of how the cycle begins. Again AN EXAMPLE)
So now you are all grown up. On your own and you meet someone. You think omg I have met the one. At first things are ok sometimes even the first years are great but then you become to comfortable and your love begins to change. Now nothing is right. Now everything you do is garbage and you need to do it again. Or better yet you are Stupid and your a fucking bitch or you are a fucking asshole what the fuck were you thinking? Ok so as the arguement goes it gets hotter you both are at it but then it takes a turn for the worse and there you are crying and who knows maybe you got hit too. No matter how you want to put it when you become so angry that what you say is so hateful so hurtful that the other person you say you love is hurting deep inside my friend you have just become verbally abusive and yes even emotionally abusive too. That thought about oh your just too sentimental yeah mm hmmm if it hurts you like that where you question yourself you are part of a cycle that begins and is hard to break. Now I'm trying to keep it two sided here because women just like men are just as abusive. Its not an easy subject but I can go on for hours talking about this. Let me explain something if you have done any of these: (doesn't have to be the whole list)
1.Is your spouse afraid of you?
2.Have you ever threatened to kill your spouse?
3.Do you believe that your way is the only way?
4.Have you ever hit, slapped, pushed, pulled hair, or choked your spouse?
5.Are you the jealous type?
6.Do you believe you have the right to know what your spouse is doing and where your spouse is all the time?
7.Do you think of yourself as in charge?
8.Do you enjoy seeing your spouse in pain, crying or hurt?
9.Do you believe your spouse deserves to be hit or yelled at or punished?
10.Do you believe your spouse 'asked for it'?
11.Do you break or destroy your spouse's belongings on purpose?
12.Have you ever been arrested for violent behavior?
13.Do you think you have an anger problem?
14.Are you afraid of asking for help because you might lose everything that is important to you?
15.Has your spouse ever tried to leave you?
If you have done any of these you need to get some proffesional help. If you have been a victim of any of these you need some proffesional help. The cycle has to be broken some where. Many of you will turn the other cheek because its embarrassing to talk about. Remember love is not supposed to hurt its is supposed to be supportive, loving, caring and understanding. There are people who have grown up in a abusive home and think that its ok to do the same. It is not. Get help. Its out there. If you don't want to talk to a proffesional, talk to someone you know will listen and not judge and maybe help you get the help you need. Life is too short again, Break the cycle, It begins with you.

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